Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I am such a happy baby in the morning. These photos were taken right before a bath!

Friday, August 24, 2007


This outfit was from my Aunt Melissa and Uncle Adam. They are pretty important people at the University of Minnesota, I am hoping I will leave as big of an impression in college as they did. Dad already has me doing running stretches and watching the videos of his high school track meets - lots to live up to around here. Hopefully those rolls on my legs won't hold me back too much.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Wedding Weekend

This weekend we went to St. Louis for Stacy and Dave Winters' wedding. It was a great weekend and the wedding was perfect. Stacy looked amazing! Colin traveled well. He (WE) spent today catching up on sleep. Here are some photos of the weekend.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

2 Month Appointment

Yesterday Colin went to his 2 month appointment. He had to get 4 shots - he was a trooper though. He cried for about a minute and that was it. Thank God for a little Tylenol. Today we leave for Stacy and Dave's wedding in St. Louis. We are so excited to see everyone, it has been too long. Colin will go on his first flight this afternoon. Hopefully his first flight will go as well as the shots! We don't want to be "those" people.

Colin weighs 12lbs 12oz and is 24.5" long - he is right on track...actually he is a little above average =)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Steele Family


Colin was really excited to meet his Uncle Adam. Adam is really excited for Colin to do more than eat and sleep.

Colin's Introduction to the St John's Boys

Matt and Colin - Sean and Will - Ben and Anna
This group sure has changed!

Joe showed us all that even after an eventful day on the golf course he is ready for fatherhood. Joe and Colin were twins for the evening.

Nick and Colin became close friends.