Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ryan Update

Ryan enjoys his bath time - it is always short because I always think he is too cold. He is really reaching for things and thinks the bubbles are amazing.

Ryan sucking on his toes!

Ryan is very photogenic and loves the camera.

Ryan is now 5 months old and is a happy baby. We are currently struggling with his sleeping patterns, but if that is all we have to complain about we are lucky. Ryan vocalizes his exhaustion through a VERY high pitch scream, which can be heard through out the house. I even get concerned that he will break glass. He sits in the excer-saucer and loves to just lay on the ground and watch his big brother play.


This year, Colin was Captain America and Ryan was a skeleton. Ryan slept during the trick or treating and Colin was satisfied after he got about 10 pieces of candy. He is regretting that now since it is all gone.

Ryan's First Cereal

Just before Ryan's 4 month appointment I had him try some rice cereal. He caught on fast and is now on to vegetables and fruits.

Arbor Day Lodge

This year my parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. The family went to the Arbor Day Lodge in Nebraska City. The kids had a lot of fun swimming, hiking and climbing.

Half of the cousins in the giant web.