Saturday, February 21, 2009

Play Date, Hockey and Mardi Gras!

Tonight is our churches annual Mardi Gras Party! Our friend Michelle and I decorated a table themed "Willy Wonka" this is a photo of the 833 bubblegum balls used in decorating...more pictures to come.
What a great lunch - Peanut Butter and Jelly, Cheetos, and Cookies! Who wouldn't want to come to our house for a play date.

Last week Colin's cousin Kate came over to play. Colin was very excited to have someone to play with and Kate really wore him out. Colin was ready to watch a show and go take a nap after an hour of playing with Kate. Kate can come over anytime =) Last night we took Colin to a UNO hockey game - they played Notre Dame. The game was really good and entertaining for Colin. We were right by the student section, so there was always something going on for him to watch.

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